Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Advert Analysis

50 Cent RBK Advert:

Firstly I would like to talk about why Reebok have used 50 cent to advertise on their advert. This is because Reebok is trying to imply that it is a strong brand. People know of 50 cent for being a very strong human being who has had a past of when he had been shot 9 times, and yet he is still alive to this day as we speak.  We see 50 cents eyes staring directly into the camera lenses. This could mean that Reebok is trying to say to the audience that this advert applies to you to whoever might be looking at it. We also see a picture of 50 cents finger prints on a card, maybe taken from the police department.  We see that he must have been involved in some sort of crime in the past. Crime in which I mean battles maybe between two gangs. We see that battles are involved as the font used for the quote ‘I am what I am’ is written out in olden medieval times. We see the colours that have been used are black and white, showing maybe that he is talking about his past. We also can see that since the colours that have been used are black and white and that he is wearing a camouflaged hat we get a sense of him trying to hide.  What I have just written about I the dominant reading of this is that this is aimed at people who like sport clothing and whop are into their hip hop R&B music. It’s aimed mostly at teenagers who look up to these huge rap stars. The negotiated reading of this is that people will buy the Reebok products because of 50 cents criminal past and background. The oppositional reading could be that Reebok is a made from criminals and only people from violent backgrounds buy this specific brand of products.

Tiger Woods – Nike Advert:

Here we have tiger woods. He is in a Nike advert in which we also see that he is wearing Nike clothing. As we can see here the golf player is shown kneeling down looking down at something, we could probably guess it’s a golf ball. We see here that his facial expression shows that he is very concentrated on something. We see that he is also a bit worried looking at his face. The typography says ‘winning takes care of everything.’  This motivates us in believing that winning is everything, it shows us that by winning it’ll satisfy you in every way but before that you have to play hard like Mr Woods here. This would also influence us in maybe taking up the game golf. As we can see he is kneeling showing that he loves this game. When we see people kneeling we think about how in the olden days people used to kneel down their kings and queens out of respect and love. However we see tiger not kneeling to royalty but to a game, a game that he truly loves playing. We see that tiger is wearing red and in some of the words we see that ‘world #1’ and ‘victory’ has been written showing us that in this game he is the number one and he is the victorious one. This could also influence us in yet buying Nike wear again as maybe the people who are looking up on this advert might one day want to be world’s number one and the victorious one at their own game like tiger woods one day. The dominant reading for this is to buy Nike's gear if you want to win and succeed, if that what you want then Nike's the product for you. The negotiated reading for this is people would buy this product of who is on the advert a huge star, Tiger Woods. The oppositional reading for this would be that people who play golf can only buy these products and for those who don’t it’s not for them. 

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