Trailer analysis “Ill manors”
What are the typical codes and conventions of film
trailers - what information is usually provided?
The typical codes and conventions of a film trailer consist
of various shots of typography listing the directors name, actors names,
features, music producers, film producers and last but not least the title of
the film. Film trailers also consist of music in which is usually parallel to
the scenery being shown in the video. They may contain sound bridges with
voice overs, the music or dialogue from the film. Film trailers also display the
“BBFC” rating in some cases the age restriction has not yet been decided as it
may be in progress.
How are trailers distributed?
Film trailers are promoted in various ways, one of which is
through broadcast platforms such as television. Television is one of the most
common ways of promoting films and raising awareness. They could also use radio
to promote the film; this could be done by interviewing a few of the actors or
maybe even the director. From this the interviewee could explain about what the
whole movie is about and what they could expect form it. The film would also be
promoted through the use of cinema adverts. Through cinema adverts it would
target all the people who are in cinema this would be beneficial as the people
being targeted are people who usually go cinema.
How does Ill Manors use trailer conventions?
The film ill manors use the conventions of film trailers
like music for example. The music used in the trailer is from the director
himself known as plan b. The music that is used in the trailer has also been
used in the movie as well, which gives a little taster for plan b’s fan base as
they would be interested in watching it as his music is in the music. The music
in the trailer is also parallel music which suits the narrative and scenes. We
can tell this by listening to the lyrics where it mentions drugs, violence ect.
So through this it makes the sound parallel as the scenes have also violence,
drugs and all the other stuff Plan B sings about. The BBFC rating has not been
included with in the trailer as it yet has not been decided what age rating it
should be given at that moment in time when the trailer was released.
Who is the target audience?
The prime audience for this movie would be teenagers and
young adults aged from 17-30. This movie does have techniques where they could
hook the audience and persuade them in to watching it through the scenes. The
scenes play an important role alongside with the music, though the scenes not
being even a second long and the music being dramatic with its lyrics. It would
create tension for the audience viewing the trailer and wanting more of the
adrenaline impact they get from viewing the trailer. The trailer also shows the
main stars in action including Plan B as he is the director, this is yet
another reason to why the audience would hook on to the movie as Plan be is
featured in it also he was the director. This would automatically mean that his
entire fan base would be interested in the movie as he plays a part in it. He
is also the voice over Plan B is the narrator of the whole story. The trailer
also has a release date informing the audience of when the movie will be
released in cinemas.
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